Oshkosh Southwest Rotary
Serving our community, youth and the world in the spirit of "service above self"
Rotary is a collection of some 1.4 million women and men all over the world who believe in giving of themselves in humanitarian services to their fellow citizens of the world.
Oshkosh Southwest Rotary
Chartered in 1973, Oshkosh Rotary Southwest is one of the largest of 54 clubs in its southeast Wisconsin district. Like-minded individuals in the club work with each other, with our community and with others world-wide to give of themselves through a variety of successful projects.
Check Us Out - Visit With Us
Weekly meetings are held at noon on Wednesdays at one of (check the newsletter each week):
Marriott Oshkosh Waterfront
1 N. Main St.
Oshkosh Convention Center
2 N Main St
Join Us!
Rotarians from anywhere in the world are welcome to visit our club's weekly meeting. Prospective members are also welcome to come as a guest of one of our members. Learn more about joining the club.